Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mood Music

So I did something truly un-Canadian a few minutes ago. I felt a bit guilty about it, but then I was distracted by what happened next.

I put on Boxer by The National, poured myself a (second) glass of wine and told my neighbour we would hang out later. So, sitting at my computer, alone in my apartment, I hear the following lyrics from the song "You've Done It Again, Virginia:"

You went in and put a record on
To make it sound like someone was home
And thanked yourself for pouring yourself a drink

Maybe these lyrics are easy to apply to many a single twentysomething's world. And maybe there's another blog post that mirrors this one, and it's been written from another big city of sometimes-happy, sometimes-lonely people.

But you can't talk to people, right?
You can't tell a story
You're tall, long-legged
And your heart's full of liquor

Wow, that's all I'm saying.


Phronk said...

Yeah, those apply to my world all too well.

I keep hearing about The National and never listening to them. Maybe I should now.

sarah said...

I think you are the awesomest.

lori said...

This is a nice surprise! I have twice as many readers as I thought. ;)

Sarah, you're the smart-prettiest.

Phronk, listen to them! Try City Middle, Mr. November & Racing Like a Pro for a sampling of speeds. They're so good... except when you're in a hurry or are trying to clean (it's not the most motivating music).