Friday, May 29, 2009

change can save your life

... or at least your perspective.

I wonder how easy it is for people to slip in and out of various states. Like, I was completely happy and feeling fine this a.m., then lost my concentration somewhere along the way, and when the clock struck 5 p.m., and the sun was shining and the city was laughing, I felt quite disconnected from it all. Like, a little bit lonely in a place where people are everywhere.

It's weird when I think about the fact that Toronto = my home. I don't know when exactly it happened, but, well, it's the reality now. And today I missed my friends x2 that moved away, and I wonder what I'm missing and what I want. And I'm rambling.

Anyways, back to my title... I think that no matter how bad your day was or how confused you might feel for that fleeting moment, any new piece of music, advice, conversation or feeling can shake things up or put you right back together again. so, yay for that.

x to the o randomness of this eve.

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