Wednesday, May 20, 2009

addicted to lust

Have you ever been infatuated with someone?

Like in that maybe-it's-unhealthy-but-I-can't-step-outside-and-recognize kind of way?

Hmm. I probably would have said no before sitting down for a post-work coffee with my newly married friend. I absolutely love the candid way she speaks, and how willing she is to spill her secrets (maybe not so secret secrets?) and admit to falling under spells or behaving somewhat badly or making not-so-great decisions (but we've all been there, right?).

I think I actually miss doing some of those crazy things (but that would be crazy, right?). And I'm teetering on the edge of behaving inappropriately or pulling back to reality. Hmm. Probably this time around I should take the smartest and safest route.

I'm sure there'll be another opportunity to take the road more twisted.



Phronk said...


One day you might get married or old, and then there will be less opportunities for twisted adventures in infatuation. I say you behave inappropriately, get involved in some spectacular heartbreaking mess, then blog about it.

(I never take this advice myself, though)

(Oh and I'm your first follower in that thingy to the right! I feel so special!)

lori said...


It would make for some pretty readable material.

I figured you'd be my first follower! AND you answered my poll! Bonus. Points.

Question Mark said...

Wait, are you talking about being infatuated in general, or being infatuated with your married, female friend? Single White Female!

lori said...

hehe. I am not a very clear writer, so it turns out.