Saturday, October 31, 2009

wicked weather

The wind is blowing so strongly, and the poor trees outside my balcony keep doing a dance that lacks a certain rhythm. Halloween always seems to be the coldest of days, and leads to all these cutely dressed kids (and adults) piling on off-costume-brand coats, scarves & mitts over their creative outfits.

Last year, I dressed as Sarah Palin. But since it was the most popular costume of the year, I had to do things a little bit differently. My suit carried price tags from Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus; I carried a shotgun & an injured stuffed-bear hand puppet. I also wore a sash to give a shout-out to her former beauty queen days, which said "Miss Guided." I passed out business cards, too, that were designed by my neighbour using a perfect red, white & blue colour scheme. My title was "Sarah Palin: hockey mom, maverick and VP hopeful." They had varying pickup lines like "Is that a rifle or are you happy to see me?" and "You can see Russia from my bedroom." They were a hit.

To top things off, my neighbour - who I can see from my balcony - dressed as Russia. Yes, the country. It was pretty awesome.

This year's costume also involves props, but it's probably going to be a little less obvious than last year's look. I'll post the details soon.


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