Friday, October 30, 2009

1, 2, 3, 4...

Tell me that you love me more.

This week involved four run-ins with current, former, near & never-to-be loves. It was a strange week and maybe the reason why I buried myself in blankets, pored over pseudo-chick-lit, and drowned my liver with just enough wine.

Two of my favourite stories go a little bit like this:

1. After three dates, boy calls to ask us "where this is going." My inability to meet up with him the weekend prior sent him online to seek ladies. He didn't know what to do about the fact that he was interested in meeting girls online, but also interested in hanging out with me. The fact that he made a date on the SAME NIGHT that he scheduled date number four with me made it easy to decide that this dude and I were done. 0 : )

2. Met a boy at a friend's event. Didn't really pay attention, but a friend of mine said "he's so nice, he's so sweet, and he was so interested." And the friend who hosted the event said, "he was asking about you." He then follows me on Twitter (oh, Twitter). Anyways, after lame dude was done (see story #1), I thought I'd throw this one a bone (why not, right?). He sent me long emails about his day, asked me lots of questions, wanted to meet for lunch and for wine tastings. Told me all about his cute dog (even sends a photo). Well, I couldn't make it to lunch, and it was for the best. Because after briefly speaking with another friend, she informs me that he's -- wait for this -- not dating girls online... but he's married. So he tells me about his dog, but not his wife? Gah, jeez.

Life is funny, right?



1 comment:

Phronk said...


What the hell is wrong with my gender?