Saturday, December 20, 2008

will it heal you or hurt you?

I picked up what might be the last Wish magazine, partly because the New Year's headlines pulled me in, and partly because I felt sorry for the now-defunct glossy magazine.

So, either in remembrance of the publication or in honour of my aim to be better/stronger (than yesterday?), I will apply a lesson from the 'Mind Over Matter' piece to my life... or at least to my day.

It tells me that 'happiness ain't easy' ... and though I have been happy as of late, someone still called me a cynic at a holiday party. Why should I be cynical at a party? What happened to the bright-eyed, happy-go-lucky girl that most other people see?

This article aims to 'weed out negativity in everyday decisions' and will encourage me to make decisions that are good for me. In order to do this, I need to take 100% responsibility for the failures and the fabulousness in my life (those are Wish's f-words, FYI).

So I need to start asking myself, in my daily conversations, relationships, eating patterns, etc., 'Is this healing me or hurting me?'

Right now I am sitting in my PJs on my couch at 1:30 p.m. I have been thinking about making coffee, eggs and toast for a couple of hours. I have been glancing at my half un-packed suitcase from last weekend's lift in NYC. I know I need to mail letters and subscriptions, need to write a couple of stories and must-must-must organize my clothes. But I am listening to Radio 3, g-chatting, writing this and feeling guilty.

Maybe it's time to heal, girl.

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