Tuesday, December 9, 2008

tea & tulips

I have to come up with two truths and a lie for a work-related icebreaker tomorrow morning. Fun, maybe? Hard, yes? Why? I have one of each nailed down, and thinking about the second truth is difficult. Maybe I should have done a few more wild things in my youth? Anyways, I'll give a sampling of truths and lies of recent lori thoughts and events:

1. I think this song is super catchy.
2. I would never date someone shorter than I am.
3. There is a new infomercial selling an Obama Chia Pet.
4. I have the most supportive, brilliant and interesting friends.
5. My horoscope accurately predicted that I would make a mistake at work.
6. People think that I think board games are more important than brain surgeons.
7. I have a crush on a serial killer. His name is Dexter. Maybe you've heard of him.
8. My doctor's prescription included buying a George Foreman grill and eating steak every seven to 10 days.

I was tired two hours ago. Why am I still awake?


Phronk said...

I have a man crush on Dexter too. That show never fails to give me chills.

I hope that one wasn't a lie.

Same with the Obama Chia Pet because I want one. Especially if it's one of those new herb garden Chias, because then you could eat Obama's hair and be instilled with loads of hope and change.

lori said...

Truth: I just finished season two of Dex.

Lie: Ch-ch-ch-chia. Maybe I should make it?