Tuesday, November 18, 2008

she gave up raisins for Lent

1. I have a huge project due Thursday morning and I'm more than a little nervous about it. This feels like university, but I don't think anyone will pull an all-nighter with me, and meet me on the main floor for a 4 a.m. melted cheese and Triscuits treat.

2. We discussed my inability to deny myself life's pleasures, to show signs of self-restraint and to delay instant gratification. This made me say that I'd give up chain food restaurants for TK amount of time. When she asked where I'd get my morning (and afternoon) cup of coffee, I said, Second Cup?

3. Maybe this is the happiest I've ever been in life. Just maybe.

P.S. Wish me luck on my write-up. Or at least think it. And if you are actually wishing that I fail, stop reading my blog, eh?

<3 loves.

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