Wednesday, February 11, 2009

knotty by nature

I waited 27 minutes for the Dundas steetcar, during which time I thought about all the things I've been doing that have been putting uncomfortable knots in my stomach (though today my boss did inspire me by saying that she follows the belief that everything worth duing should come with that knotty feeling... though it should be more of a nervous one than a letdown).

I am reading The Element by Ken Robinson, and it inspires us to find exactly what it is we're best at, and to enjoy doing exactly that. I think I'm currently doing some of the things I do best, but I'm probably not really working it as well as I could. Like, today I pretty much passed an idea along to someone else, which should have been an idea I carried and presented, and now its origins will probably get lost in the shuffle.

I shouldn't do that. Mis-take.

But I am learning that I'm most inspired when sitting down in meetings with other, more experienced people who are bouncing around big ideas (of course, right?). It's just really great when I feel the need to scribble down ideas before they themselves get lost in the shuffle that is the day-to-day duties that, if you're not careful, can be rather suffocating.

So I just need to find ways to make myself heard and noticed even more (and maybe I should practise by smiling back at the cute boy who grins at me... and then walks on by).

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