Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Clean Sweep

My fridge is a fright. Or maybe it's just frightened.

Its insides contain one carton of expired milk, two takeout boxes of not-so-good food and three containers of old yogurt. (But not for long. I promise.)

I wonder if it's wrong to choose Garbage Day as one of my favourite days. (I also enjoy Recycling Day and Green Bin Day, for the record.) There's something so relaxing, refreshing and rejuvenating about purging the mess I've made, and given the chance to start from scratch yet again.

Maybe Gore, Suzuki and Mother Nature would disapprove.

Maybe we won't let them know about this. 0 : )


Phronk said...

Maybe this is weird but all I saw was "takeout boxes" and it made me very hungry and I think I will eat leftover pizza later.

Throwing stuff away is awesome. Life gets slightly better every time you throw away stuff that shouldn't be in it.

lori said...

I think that is a really lovely, perfect quote.

(w/regards to your leftover pizza, of course. :)