I was away for awhile and now I'm back with new feelings, experiences, emotions... and clothes. I accidentally spent more money than I make, which means I'm also back with that guilty feeling.
Watched Adaptation last night in an attempt to extend my vacation in Fort Lauderdale. Toured the Everglades. Learned about the rare and highly coveted Ghost Orchid. Received a special bracelet with the best alligator tooh because I can, at times, be "just adorable."
Anyways, that's not the quote I wanted to write about. Instead, I'm keeping track of the most memorable lines from my second viewing of this awesome film.
1. "When you spot your flower, you can't let anything get in your way."
2. "I want to know what it feels like to care about something so passionately."
3. "... the reason it matters is that it whittles the world down to a more manageable size."
4. "... it's a little fantastic and fleeting and out of reach."
And, perhaps the most important life lesson:
5. "You are what you love. Not what loves you."
If you are as fascinated as I am by the ghost orchid, I have a book for you, Ghost Orchid, by D. K. Christi, just released by L&L Dreamspell. It's inspired by the very real ghost orchid (Susan Orlean never actually saw one) that D. K. Christi stalked for three years, daily, in Corkscrew Audubon Sanctuary.....
Linda Houle
Linda@lldreamspell.com dkchristi@yahoo.com
For Immediate Release November 13, 2009
A mysterious orchid is central to a story
of love, lies, and redemption
Ghost Orchid, a Mainstream Fiction/Paranormal novel, was released by publisher L&L Dreamspell in October 2009.
Once more before I die…the haunting mantra of a lonely woman. A woman grieving more than one loss.
On her regular walks amongst the splendor of the Audubon Society sanctuary, situated at the edge of the Florida Everglades, the sights and sounds of nature filled the void in Mel’s soul. She found peace here. No tears for what might have been. Only joy for having experienced the ecstasy of a great love. Her secrets stayed buried.
In another part of the world an exquisitely beautiful young woman also found peace by immersing herself in nature, capturing its beauty on film for National Geographic. Educated in Europe’s finest boarding schools, Neev became a model at fourteen, but after four years of posing and false smiles she knew she wanted more out of life. She quit modeling to study Philosophy at Oxford University.
Neev’s love of photography brought her to the other side of the camera lens, and to exotic locations around the globe. Working on assignment with famous photographer Roger Andrew, she often trekked deep into the jungle in search of rare flowers. Having a young, beautiful woman as a partner seemed like a good omen, and Roger thought their travels together could lead to a unique discovery. In spite of the age difference, their shared passion soon blossomed into a loving relationship. He wondered why someone so young would crave this nomadic, isolated lifestyle. Although Neev did share bits of information about her family, she always kept parts of her past a secret.
When a Ghost Orchid began to bloom at the Audubon Society sanctuary, Roger knew this was the opportunity he’d been waiting for. Neev was reluctant to visit Florida, for personal reasons, but he convinced her to accompany him on the trip.
After a series of odd coincidences, they soon discovered this sensuous flower wasn’t just rare and beautiful, it also had a strange, mystical power…
– released in October 2009, Distributor – Ingram
ISBN 978-1-60318-136-5 – Mainstream Fiction/Paranormal Trade Paperback - $14.95 –
Page Count 166 Learn more at www.lldreamspell.com
AUTHOR SIGNING: 23 Dec. 2009 – 2-4 PM North Shore Books 315 Center St. North Muskegon, MI 49445 231.981.0606 231.981.0607 fax info@northshorebookstore.com www.northshorebookstore.com Ghost Orchid by D.K. Christ iwww.dkchristi.com
So if I love the ghost orchid, will I gain strange mystical powers?
You have to 1) read Ghost Orchid by D. K. Christi and 2) follow Neev and Roger through Corkscrew Swamp and 3) feel the swamp breeze and 4) experience the serenity and 5) maybe then, the magic will hit...
Didn't work. :(
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