Tuesday, August 25, 2009

On and Off

I just ate about five chocolate cookies that were once hidden in my fridge. Hidden until I remembered I had them, and then proceeded to, um, devour them.

I've been on a bit of a health & lifestyle kick lately, and it's been really great because I've FELT really great. Really. But I started to lose focus the last couple of days and even indulged in more mindless TV watching with the neighbour. I've already watched Mad Men, so why did I have to cap off dinner with two old episodes? Silly girl.

Anyways, I've been busily working away for work when I should really be sleeping and/or cleaning my place for tomorrow night's guests (I wish I could do both at once). I told them I'd cook dinner after our Pilates class, and there's no time between work and home to prep!

Why am I still typing? Seven a.m. yoga starts at, yes, 7am. Gross.


Phronk said...

Everyone's talking about being addicted to Mad Men. Maybe it's actually good or something.

I'm also on a health kick, but cookies are part of it. Mental health is important too, yo.

lori said...

I think your OK made me fall off my healthy routine. ;)

Mad Men IS good. Except you have to watch it twice to realize it. That's what I did.

Phronk said...

Oops sorry. But it's true about mental health.

Twice? That'd take a while. Maybe I'll just reenact each episode in my head after watching it and that'll make me appreciate it.

lori said...

Haha. You could definitely do that instead. I think we just weren't clever enough to try it. ;)