Sunday, January 25, 2009

"gonna make it through this year"

Well, that's what the Great Lake Swimmers have to say. It's a really pretty song, even though the undertones are somewhat depressing.

As for me, yes yes, I will make it through this year. But I wonder if I'll shake the feelings I've been feeling as of late. Some of them worry me, a little.

Like when I watched Revolutionary Road and started to fantasize (again) about picking up and moving somewhere... "It doesn't have to be Paris... it could be anywhere, really."

And that having a backbone really means being able to choose the life you want to lead... which probably means I shouldn't envy the old university friend who finds me on Facebook, who I can see is living in Italy, working as a nanny and an English teacher. But my mind just envies it envies it envies it.

Who has dreams like this during Times Like These?

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