Sunday, January 25, 2009

"gonna make it through this year"

Well, that's what the Great Lake Swimmers have to say. It's a really pretty song, even though the undertones are somewhat depressing.

As for me, yes yes, I will make it through this year. But I wonder if I'll shake the feelings I've been feeling as of late. Some of them worry me, a little.

Like when I watched Revolutionary Road and started to fantasize (again) about picking up and moving somewhere... "It doesn't have to be Paris... it could be anywhere, really."

And that having a backbone really means being able to choose the life you want to lead... which probably means I shouldn't envy the old university friend who finds me on Facebook, who I can see is living in Italy, working as a nanny and an English teacher. But my mind just envies it envies it envies it.

Who has dreams like this during Times Like These?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

baby, you can drive my car

Isn't this pretty? The only thing prettier was my company tonight. Oh, and also my meal. It was totes pretty, but in more of a masculine way (I wonder if a femmy will get angry at me for saying this?) because it was a huge, thick piece of steak. Yum. My doctor would be so so so proud of me because I am finally following her prescription of eating one steak every seven to 10 days. Maybe I should set up a weekly hump-day made-in-heaven meal. Actually, the last two Wednesdays have been a gastronomic delight, which makes up for last night's pizza dinner.

I just did a spellcheck and did you know 'femmy' is not an acceptable word? 0 : )

* the image is of Sidecar, on College Street, prix fixe = $22

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Clean Sweep

My fridge is a fright. Or maybe it's just frightened.

Its insides contain one carton of expired milk, two takeout boxes of not-so-good food and three containers of old yogurt. (But not for long. I promise.)

I wonder if it's wrong to choose Garbage Day as one of my favourite days. (I also enjoy Recycling Day and Green Bin Day, for the record.) There's something so relaxing, refreshing and rejuvenating about purging the mess I've made, and given the chance to start from scratch yet again.

Maybe Gore, Suzuki and Mother Nature would disapprove.

Maybe we won't let them know about this. 0 : )

Monday, January 12, 2009

swing your heartache

long, leisurely, a little bit of everything.

plans of artartart replaced by doubtdoubtdoubt (ok story, great acting).

dinner with old! boy! friends! replaced by dinner with favourite! boy! friend!

did not find frames but did find the materials (!) to make my own pretty curtains.

wish I could stay home tomorrow, if only to listen to the 19 CDs I picked up at the library (from Neil Young to Young Galaxy!).

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Questions pour vous

1. Has the need to RSVP died in the age of Facebook and the like? A yes or no is all we need.

2. Why do you need to buy everything? I signed up for a library card yesterday (to which they said, "Welcome to the team!"). Hours of entertainment (in book & CD form), and not a penny spent.

3. Are people less attractive when they like you too much? I feel uncomfortable when I get that look, but it's also so nice to have someone point out all my best. It's been awhile.

xo. time to clean and prepare for TK people.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


oh oh oh! so many plans made so quickly!

friday -- artartart + drinksdrinksdrinks

satur/day -- library = free books! paying $$ for reading is not in 2k9's R-hindered budget
satur/day -- anchoring = finding frames/curtains/pictures to style this place totes comfy

satur/food -- maybe! with! old! boy! friends!
satur/night -- legend(youknowwhatgoeshere)ary host NPH on SNL!

the rest is a secret! or maybe i don't know yet! or maybe it's time for sleep.

xo. lori

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I used to be free-spirited...

... now I'm just free of sleep

This Business of Art was one of my most-played albums through high school. My friend Liz was pen pals (!!!) with one of Tegan and Sara's friends, and she introduced me to the melodies.

And then last night I watched the first episode of Being Erica, and I heard "Where Does the Good Go?" Where do you go with your broken heart in tow? What do you with the left-over you?

And then today reintroduced me to "Frozen," "Proud" and "More For Me." I wish I could hear the disc as a whole, but finding my old CD is a task too difficult for this not-so organized girl.

Pretty? Possibly? Maybe? I want to draw you a floorplan of my head and heart (from The Con, 2007)

xox. g'night.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

push it (real good)

Where do you write about work when your co-workers are on your FB and Twitter feeds?

I am feeling creatively challenged and am looking for ways to get out of this ill-timed rut. Maybe my (sometimes) clever copy is still on holiday? Maybe two weeks away is two weeks too many? Maybe yoga will help? Tea? Wine? Dancing? Crafting? Cleaning? Cooking? This book?

I am trying. Even though I put on my Pilates gear and didn't make it out the door. (Poseur?) And while I gathered ingredients for tonight's dinner, they still sit on the counter, bored and ignored.

Maybe I just need to shut up and work harder.

Monday, January 5, 2009

all about me?

if I had gold locks I'd feel like a fairytale character. don't like me too much, don't like me too little, I want you to like me juuuussst right. y'know?

or maybe I just need to find someone who I like just right?

is it odd to capitalize "I" every time, but to leave my first words un-cap'd?

silly distractions.

silly girl.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

drink it up

08 08 08 08

the year that deep, old scar finally, finally healed

the year I shook an increasingly dull & disheartening position

the year I branched out and developed some truly wonderful friendships

0yes 0yes 0yes

good for me. <3