Saturday, December 19, 2009
curious george

Friday, December 11, 2009
via stereogum:
Matt Berninger kept it quieter on Boxer than he did on Alligator (i.e. no shout songs like "Mr. November"), but the band deepened their instrumentation, wrote some of their most subtly addictive songs, and had their biggest year to date (both in the National and in ambitious side projects like The Long Count). Curious what kind of mood they're in now? Matt tells us: "We started out trying to make a fun pop record. I had the word HAPPINESS taped to my wall. We veered off that course immediately. We've narrowed it down to about 15 songs now and it's going to be our best record (one song you can dance to) but it can't be described as happy." They've been recording for almost a year and as Aaron Dessner put it to us "[are] emerging from that black hole to start mixing in two weeks." Bryce adds, "There are a ton of songs and we have been working for a year, but as always with us it's the last couple months that change everything so it's too early to say what the overall direction [will be]."
Monday, December 7, 2009
who takes care of you when you're sick?

Miracles! Can! Happen!
I have been sick for the last two days. Totally weak. Lack of appetite. Zero energy to do all the things I need & want to do. Will this feeling go away? Please and thank you?
P.S. It's funny that this happened after watching Kissing Jessica Stein (love that movie). One of the characters has a man for every occasion... except when she's sick. : /
P.P.S. The lead from KJS, Jennifer Westfeldt, has been with Jon Hamm (a.k.a Don Draper) for the last 10 years.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I won the math award in Grade 8
And walk home to skip the $2.75 subway fare.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
seeing ghosts

Sunday, November 1, 2009
the big reveal
Last night I wore a pretty black dress. I also wore crystal earrings and a diamond ring. I had a rose pinned to my dress. My hair was loosely curled (and even looser now). And I had more roses. And I had overnight cards. And I carried three framed 8x10 photos of Reid, Kiptyn and Ed.
And now it's time to go lie down.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
wicked weather
Last year, I dressed as Sarah Palin. But since it was the most popular costume of the year, I had to do things a little bit differently. My suit carried price tags from Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus; I carried a shotgun & an injured stuffed-bear hand puppet. I also wore a sash to give a shout-out to her former beauty queen days, which said "Miss Guided." I passed out business cards, too, that were designed by my neighbour using a perfect red, white & blue colour scheme. My title was "Sarah Palin: hockey mom, maverick and VP hopeful." They had varying pickup lines like "Is that a rifle or are you happy to see me?" and "You can see Russia from my bedroom." They were a hit.
To top things off, my neighbour - who I can see from my balcony - dressed as Russia. Yes, the country. It was pretty awesome.
This year's costume also involves props, but it's probably going to be a little less obvious than last year's look. I'll post the details soon.
Friday, October 30, 2009
1, 2, 3, 4...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
These days, I'm more focused on reading books by female authors (NOT THE SAME AS CHICK LIT). OK, woah, got that?
Except I don't want to tell you the titles of said books because they sound exactly like what I said they're not. I've read two in the past four days, but think that it's doing them an injustice to lump them into that category. I learned a little bit from them, I felt good reading them, and I think that they show that the world is not so picture-perfect, neat & tidy, oh-so sweet all the time.
Today I couldn't wait until lunch so that I could read another chapter. And I couldn't wait to get home so I could read some more. My dad once told me he used to read all the time. And then he realized that he became so consumed by the stories that he couldn't do anything else. And so he just had to quit.
I think I got my father's self-restraint.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
two thoughts on tuesday

1) When you stop and think about it, there’s something, sometimes, a bit sad about returning home to an empty apartment. Usually I turn my music on before I even notice the absolute silence, but today I thought I’d unpack my groceries and work on dinner first. And did you know there’s nothing sadder than unpacking groceries for one in silence? No one to listen to the random and cute and sometimes awkward stories from the day? This is when I miss my old roommates and floormates and family most.
2) But when the music’s on, everything seems to be OK. I think that I’ve come home and turned on The National every night since Sunday because I want to hear a man’s voice. Really, there’s something comforting about his deep vocals and haunting lyrics and really all that’s left to do is light a musky candle and I’ll be in heaven.
Oh, maybe a real-life man would also do the trick. But sometimes imagining one is easier on the heart.
Friday, October 23, 2009
cute art for cold days
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I feel exhausted.
GOOD: Started the day with cupcakes, Smarties and a double Americano.
NOT SO GOOD: Hit the great crash of '09 around 4 o'clock.
GOOD: Had a lovely dinner with two good friends (cooked by yours truly!).
NOT SO GOOD: This happened after we drove 30 minutes to a Pilates class... to realize the instructor was not there.
GOOD: Getting back into the dating game, trying to make sense of it all again.
NOT SO GOOD: Had an awkward conversation, and this dude is cancelled.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
you're pretty

Woah! Check out that tomato tower. And you know what? It's nothing compared to the tomato fest happening in my freezer right now. I started making sauce at 10:30 p.m. tonight (hello, crazy girl). It's actually the first time I've mass-produced this stuff (I think I'm at eight tupperwares), so we'll see how it goes. My, how domestic I've become.
What else is up? Spinning is still awesome, but I read this Twitter article about how you shouldn't tweet about working out because it's lame and it's just your way of saying "look e'rbody! I'm so healthy and awesome!" So maybe I shouldn't blog about it? But really, I'm typing it because I can't believe this life transformation. That I LIKE working out. That if feels GOOD. This is all new and incredible information I'm trying to process. And you know what? When I spend two nights eating pizza and drinking beer, it feels GROSS (OK, so maybe this is a less great side effect, but still...).
But... I am skipping volleyball tonight in favour of free tickets to see Metric, so, I'm not all work-out and no play. And I'm looking forward to going to my favourite bar to celebrate a friend's birthday on Friday (wee!), and I might just have a date lined up for Saturday. SO, lots is going on and I should probably get some sleep.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
wild thing, I think I <3 you

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
it's a new day, michael buble

Oh, also this blog: http://www.1000awesomethings.com/
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
she'll be all kinds of hungover

This picture is very pretty and sunshiny and cute and mysterious. Just like me, right? 0 : )
This music sounds much the same way. Maybe with a few sad undertones. Maybe with a very sad band name.
I think I'm going to have an emo hangover tomorrow. Gross, right?
call waiting

Well, that's not entirely true. My friends are calling. My family's calling, too. But I'm taking them for granted right now and focusing on the one person who is not picking up his/her phone. (OK, who are we kidding? It's a "he", obvy.)
So now I'm a little bit distracted (boys can compartmentalize; girls, not so much), a little bit frustrated (at myself for being distracted) and a little bit hopeful (in that cautiously-optimistic, bracing-myself-for-a-potential-letdown kind of way, right?).
Monday, October 12, 2009
past & present

I should be getting ready for bed. I'd already be IN bed if my bedroom was like this one. I don't think I'd ever want to leave. Well, so long as I had some good books and morning coffee and fine company.
I am thinking about taking piano lessons (again). Good idea? I wonder if I am entering some sort of strange late-twentysomething life review where I return to my roots and remember and revisit all the things I used to really enjoy. Like pretending to be an athlete. And reading millions of books. And playing piano.
p.s. waiting on more updates before posting last post's part 2. : )
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I went to my spin class after work. It was awesome - again - because I'm reminded of the fact that I have all of these muscles working working working away, and so much more energy than I ever had before. Being a little bit athletic is my favourite part about 2009.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009
One thing at a time...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Control Yourself
Edit @ 11:36 p.m.: OK, maybe I didn't lose it after all. But I should probably still watch my alcohol. At least on Tuesdays. : )
And maybe my (over)use of emoticons, too.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A Pre-Fall Pause
The last six months have involved three flights and one pricey but memorable celebration, and I think it's time to spend some quality time here. Sort things out. Sit and think and consider my next plan of action. It could be really great. If I give it a chance.
p.s. This has pulled me through today.
Monday, August 31, 2009
It seems sad when I type it out
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Death by Chocolate
So, my sister is getting married in six days, which means this is a short week! Do you think I can get done five days' work in two? Hmm. Will the chocolate hinder or help? ; )
If I'm feeling this nervous, I wonder what it would feel like to actually be getting married...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
On and Off
I've been on a bit of a health & lifestyle kick lately, and it's been really great because I've FELT really great. Really. But I started to lose focus the last couple of days and even indulged in more mindless TV watching with the neighbour. I've already watched Mad Men, so why did I have to cap off dinner with two old episodes? Silly girl.
Anyways, I've been busily working away for work when I should really be sleeping and/or cleaning my place for tomorrow night's guests (I wish I could do both at once). I told them I'd cook dinner after our Pilates class, and there's no time between work and home to prep!
Why am I still typing? Seven a.m. yoga starts at, yes, 7am. Gross.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
fit to a tee
And maybe the shirt you buy on a whim is the one that becomes your absolute favourite. You wear it all the time. You think it complements your hair and your colouring and even your smile. And you might have to stop yourself from wearing it so often, so that your coworkers know that you own other clothes and can wear other things. But still, it will last a long time. And you never want to give it away, and fear you'll wear it out one day and wonder if you can find another in the exact same style, shape and feel. Because when you first pick it up, you have no idea if it's going to be the one.
Maybe meeting someone is a little bit like that.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
life according to ME
* You know you're a decent maid of honour when the bride-to-be sends you flowers following bachelorette weekend.
* You know life's kinda cool when the delivery man, upon learning that you are not home, drives to the restaurant you're at to deliver said bouquet.
* You know you're switching things up when the week's social activities are all centred around working out in some form.
* You know you're a procrastinator when you make a random list instead of folding the laundry that's taken over your living room.
* You know you're pretty awesome if you're reading this post.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
to do-oooo be do be do
Friday, July 24, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The hardest part? I already know.
So happy. So sad. So wanting to pack my bags and see what's next.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I don't think anything is going to feel better than this bath before bed. Weeeee! xo.
Monday, July 13, 2009
it's a wrap: sunday evening musings
friends can be so very funny. nothing's cuter than creating inside jokes at the start of a hangout sesh, and recycling them before the outing's over.
sneaking into an extra film is thrilling in that maybe I'm still in high school kind of way.
rearranged my room and nothing's sweeter than waking up to the sun and the trees and the bright blue sky.
people are making me dizzy in a good way.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
hi, again
My living area includes a desk lifted from the street with the help of my strong-enough-like-sheryl's-(maybe)-guy neighbour. It's been sitting there for too long, unused, and I'm now going through the process of rearranging mon boudoir to fit a little study corner. They say you aren't supposed to mix sleep and work, but maybe I'm not listening to those people. And maybe I'll use this desk for fun things, like rants of consciousness and creative writing and this and a that.
I was inspired after reading someone's blog and seeing her formidable list of things to do in 2009. They seemed crazy but it seems like she's going to do them all (or at least, a lot) and that's really, really awesome. Lists can be cool like that and sneak into your subconscious and help you do all of those things you really, really want to do. Second guesses, out the window, so long.
Did I tell you I have a cold? Yes, this is called the post-Stampede flu and my boss says it's because I didn't put polysporin up my nose before the plane took off. It sounds crazy, but I actually took her advice when I flew to France a mere few months ago, and I came back healthy and looking alive. Not that I look dead, but I'm missing a little glow, for sure.
Maybe it's time to put those strawberries back on.
Wish me luck in this crazy pursuit.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
let's face it.

On purpose.
I picked up French Women For All Seasons, and it has compelled me to live a little bit better. One way involves mixing mashed strawberries with honey and Vaseline, and leaving it on my face for 15 minutes. It feels quite nice, actually.
The book also helped me snack less than I normally would have tonight, because I took the time to think about whether or not half of my portion was sufficient. (It was.)
Did I tell you the endorphins are back? Well, for today. I went for a jog and even though a bird dropped its droppings on my thigh, I'm going to take it as a good sign. (Agreed?)
my grandparents are comedians
She gave us each a slice of cake, and when I asked him "como dicia 'cake'" (I totally can't spell in Italian), he said "cake?", I said "yes, cake!" and he said "What do you think? It's a same-a thing. You think we had the cake in the old country!? Ma, gah geez!"
My sister tells her that my birthday is coming up in two weeks. (Note: my grandparents have a farm.) She says "Oh, I know! Lori's a birthday is when the beans are ready!"
There is a mole digging up holes in my grandparents' front lawn. He says "Ma, what am I a gonna do with this? I try to get'him with the shovel, but I can't! Whaddya gonna do?"
That's only three. If my sister remembers the others, I'll post them, too. Oh, and my grandparents both tried on my sunglasses. They looked super cute.
haha. And I wonder how I became so wonderfully crazy. ; )
xo <3
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
love or something like it
The ending of this film is completely awesome. And while maybe it's a little on the long side, I didn't really mind at all. I think watching someone else's adventure is almost but not quite at all like living my own. ; )
Am downloading OK Computer right now (how many years late?), mostly because "No Surprises" played twice in the film and I'm in the mood to hear it a third, fourth and fourteenth time.
P.S. This is the story of my life right now. At least, from my perspective. : )
Monday, June 22, 2009
22,000 is the loneliest number
It would probably be better if I wasn't sitting next to this increasingly hot computer. #timetobuyafan
The last few days have been a bit of a time warp, tilt a whirl, yay fun & adventure. It's nice to catch up with old friends, especially the ones where you don't seem to skip a beat, not a one.
However, I was reading Who's Your City while standing in the nearby bookstore and I learned a somewhat alarming statistic. I've always said that Toronto seems to be filled with fabulous single ladies, and I just don't seem to know as many amazing single men. And so it turns out there are 22,000 more single women than men in this city. No wonder! I'm not a killer or one of those die-hard go-getters and I just don't have the energy to battle through it all.
SO. Toronto is the worst city I could be living in, in that respect. Obviously, it is amazing for my career and it's close to my friends and family. And there are a million things to do and I do quite enjoy it. But, I just might have to enjoy it alone. Well, alone with 21,999 other ladies. ; )
So, where should a bright and lovely single woman be living?
1. Calgary
2. Ottawa
3. Victoria
4. Edmonton
5. Guelph
Maybe I should take a little tour. Well, I am going to Calgary next week (unrelated!!! promise!).
Maybe the city of Toronto needs to change its advertising campaign to something like... "Single! Women! Everywhere!"
Or not.
xo. night!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
stealer face
Anyways, I don't have much to say other than that today was nice. Delicious brunch. Nice drive. Scrabble. Transit ride. Bike ride. Bike buying lessons (but still no bike). Biking in the rain. Walking in the rain. Transit ride. Art gallery. Drawing in the art gallery (inspired by the youngsters). Yummy dinner. Trek up north. Long transit ride. Watching Victoria Day. Q&A with director. Long transit ride back. Recognized in real life by barista boys. Drinking very dark beer (what?). Dancing pour my friends the DJs. Eating friend's leftovers. Time for bed.
Good night. xo.
Monday, June 15, 2009
another one for monday
I swear, it's so easy for me to wrap my head around the possibility of something or someone that I just let my heart sink and swim with the slightest upturn of a smile.
It's funny that this is the moodiest I've been in a long time. Any survival tips?
Happy to have made plans with an old friend for a good one-on-one chat. : ) Looking forward to a fresh perspective this week.
xo, life.
Am I good enough?
I can't believe how different this show is when a girl is "wearing the pants." Even though she has the power to pick her potential mate, she's not really in control of the situation at all.
She's constantly looking for confirmation that the guys like her... that they find her interesting and that they want to be there... completely opposite to the girls on the Bachelor, who all immediately spilled about how much they liked Jason.
Woah, she even kinda quoted one of the guys in her closing! "These have been the best dates of my life... and some of the best days too." Totally paraphrased the other guy.
Not saying I'd be any different, but it's just interesting to see the shift in dynamic.
P.S. I wonder if Ed will come back. That would be awesome.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
a day away
Would love to have another pretend-vacation day. I want to plop into a new space every now and again, where I don't know a soul and where opportunity seems to be everywhere, all the time.
Randomly picked up a book today called Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You. It's a little bit obvious so far, but it did let me take a mini personality test in which I learned (or confirmed) that I'm very open & agreeable. Oh, me.
xo. <3
how to be better.
Finally downloaded Phoenix.
Finally finished The Road.
Finally did yoga!
Finally spent a lesiurely day solo. <3
I think I want to give up drinking. #amIcrazy?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
the emo side of life

Today was one of those days where I was surrounded my friends but felt very alone. Do you know the feeling? (Hayden does.)
Sometimes I think that I've become a really amazing listener, but I don't feel like I have anyone to really listen to me. Well, about the things at the heart of it all. Like hopes and dreams and fears and genuine concerns. It's weird to be missing that kind of connection. And it's a little bit terrifying.
And I know that I do have friends who are there and would listen if I asked... but I don't really want to ask, you know?
Friday, June 12, 2009
high / low
So, really, I need to go for bloodwork and I need to eat a steak and I need to somehow become strong enough to not feel faint, and to not feel like my arm is going to fall off when carrying one somewhat full bag of groceries (filled with healthy food, I swear).
Why do I put off the most important things for so long? It's like I'm embarrassed to know how bad some things get. Or it's a fear thing. But I'm not being very smart about this at all, I know.
Oh, right. I titled this post high/low. That was the low. The high was the feeling I just had when the not-so-stranger stranger noticed me walking by and flashed me that familiar, so great-to-see you smile. I didn't feel tired at all when that happened. #stillswooning...stillshy
OK. I'm popping vitamins & then I'm cheering for those angel wings.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
lists & leaving things behind
I was writing in this journal more often than I say 'oh la la' and then I must have been distracted by something shiny and pretty. Anyways, here I am again. I'm spending my nights sipping on champagne with strawberries, watching The Bachelorette with friends. I've been to another wedding, worn a new dress and felt my heart crush just a bit when I found out my cute @ home hairdresser already gave his heart away. I've been accepting early & bizarre birthday presents in the form of potentially e-harmony-ous gifts. I'm happy then sad then bored then buzzing with excitement. I'm falling for strangers and spending too much on my morning coffee. I'm running from things when they become overwhelming and sometimes just wish I could hide. I'm thinking it's still important to get enough sleep, so I should probably go to bed three hours ago. Oh. La. La.
And it's pouring outside.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
"my life, my fault"
Progress, TK.
Edit: Made dinner for my friends and it didn't kill them. (I believe their vocabulary included the word "delicious"). #doingthingsbetter
Friday, May 29, 2009
change can save your life
I wonder how easy it is for people to slip in and out of various states. Like, I was completely happy and feeling fine this a.m., then lost my concentration somewhere along the way, and when the clock struck 5 p.m., and the sun was shining and the city was laughing, I felt quite disconnected from it all. Like, a little bit lonely in a place where people are everywhere.
It's weird when I think about the fact that Toronto = my home. I don't know when exactly it happened, but, well, it's the reality now. And today I missed my friends x2 that moved away, and I wonder what I'm missing and what I want. And I'm rambling.
Anyways, back to my title... I think that no matter how bad your day was or how confused you might feel for that fleeting moment, any new piece of music, advice, conversation or feeling can shake things up or put you right back together again. so, yay for that.
x to the o randomness of this eve.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
sleepy bears
Really, that's all I did. I made my first clickable title. WOAH. "But, Lori, what does it mean?" I downloaded the Grizzly Bears on iTunes tonight (because I am too nice to steal... or too willing to spend money... and I didn't even have to leave this comfy couch).
It's calming and tiring... or maybe I'm just feeling tired because I'm typing in the dark while it rains then stops then rains again. I wonder who's crying today? I wonder if they could match the rain's intensity with the emotional intensity of a person or event. Like 104, this cool art space I stepped inside in Paris (I miss you). One of the pieces included a video projection of a soccer game. I was like, but what does this mean? And then the explanatory pamphlet told me that there was a video to represent every outside temperature. So that mostly muggy somewhat breezy & bright day was depicted as a soccer match. Interesting, oui.
All day today I dreamt about coming home, pouring a glass of wine, lighting a little treat and taking a long, long bath. Instead, I am reading blogs, laying on my couch and eating what will probably round out to be an entire movie-size bag of peanut butter M&Ms. Hmm.
It's funny when you decide to spend a night alone at home. It seems so perfect and then it turns into this introspective evening where you question all the regular things you do, feel, etc. And then at the end of it all, you probably regret eating all that really great chocolate.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
mama said knock you out
So, let's mix & fix things up. First, by way of spring cleaning. And you know what makes spring cleaning all the more bearable? Calling in reinforcements.
My mother would probably have me murdered if she knew I was bringing in a maid for the 2nd annual 'help Lori get a life more organized' rally. Maybe I can consider it an early birthday gift to me, or just think of it as a way to keep my sanity or put me back on track or whatever whatever.
Anyways, speaking of my mother... I was speaking with her on the phone tonight and it seemed like she was listening to my answer to "how's work?" but then her "well, you can look for another job" response didn't really match what I was saying at all, which is that I like my job but it might change a bit & change can be a little scary, blahblahblah. I think she is just waiting for me to break down, go back to school, become a teacher, fall in love, move to Leamington, and have family dinners together every Sunday.
Anyways, yesterday was a crazy fun party day and now is a way less fun trying to feel better night. Work in 9 hours. To bed in 9 minutes. maybe.
Friday, May 22, 2009
best present ever

Thursday, May 21, 2009
heat & feeling beat

sometimes when the sun is shining you feel this pressure to shine on too.
but today I didn't feel as fabulous as the weather. Everything seemed so heavy on the walk home from post-work bevies, and I couldn't (and still can't) think of a quick way to shake it. Perhaps it's best to stop, sleep & replay a better day.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
addicted to lust
Like in that maybe-it's-unhealthy-but-I-can't-step-outside-and-recognize kind of way?
Hmm. I probably would have said no before sitting down for a post-work coffee with my newly married friend. I absolutely love the candid way she speaks, and how willing she is to spill her secrets (maybe not so secret secrets?) and admit to falling under spells or behaving somewhat badly or making not-so-great decisions (but we've all been there, right?).
I think I actually miss doing some of those crazy things (but that would be crazy, right?). And I'm teetering on the edge of behaving inappropriately or pulling back to reality. Hmm. Probably this time around I should take the smartest and safest route.
I'm sure there'll be another opportunity to take the road more twisted.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
who's reading and writing
I might have two (or three) new readers, and this is one (or two) new readers than before. How shocking and hard to handle. If new people are reading, hello, dear friends!
But it's hard to write when you're aware that people you know are reading. But I do use this as a bit of a release, and maybe it's the alcohol in me or my naturally emotional state, but I found out that someone I knew, however briefly, passed away and it was really hard to hear. Perhaps especially because I remember his wife losing her father and mother within the two years prior to their marriage... I can't even imagine. I don't want to imagine.
Maybe that's all I want to write tonight.
Monday, May 18, 2009
let's talk it out
While walking with my neighbour, probably one of the people in my personal life who I talk to the most, we came up with this quick, mini-list. I don't think it would get full marks if, um, graded by a great conversationalist. But it's a start.
Great conversationalists take interest in the other person (or people). They ask questions, and hopefully ones that make the other person pause and carefully consider their answer. You know, a little food for thought. It helps to know a lot about various subjects, and to share information in an interesting, witty and memorable way. I think the best conversationalists leave you thinking about topics in a new, inspirational kind of way.
One of my old flings was especially good at this. And it's funny, I didn't realize it at the time. Another person had to point it out, and I think that, post-relationship, I started to miss something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Or maybe it was just stuck to the roof of my mouth. So now, a couple of years later, I'm looking for ways to bring back not him, but the elements of various relationships that I especially enjoyed.
And, for now, it's something to blog about.
Friday, May 15, 2009
long weekend heyyyy hey hey
Maybe it's because I grew up in the country(ish) and never required a weekend escape from pedestrians and traffic. And now maybe it's because I've never seemed to become friends with anyone who could lead me on the road to sweet weekend escapes.
* * *
Last night I looked up an old friend and she was working in PR. Then I had this terrible dream that I worked in PR. I quit my current job and on my first day at this new, foreign place I totally freaked out and was like "what the heck did I just do? I miss my old job! It was awesome!" And I woke up so relieved and it made me realize I'm in pretty good place and it was a very good feeling.
* * *
This week was nice and lovely but perhaps somewhat uneventful in the way that I didn't have very many "OH MY GOD" stories for my friend at Saturday morning brunch. Instead, it was more or less a "OH MY GOD, listen to this book I'm reading - can you believe what's going on?!" And she was all like "Listen to this LIFE I'm living - can you believe these boys and what's going on!?" And I was like, OH. Look at the difference in our lives.
* * *
A * * * break may not have been needed because I still want to talk about the book because it wasn't a book I'd normally pick up and I was a little offended that my other friend thought I'd like it. Why? Because it was a full-out ROMANCE novel with a kitten on the cover (I don't even like those things). But after seeing her again last night I gave in and started & finished it before writing this post. Hrmph. Maybe I should listen to my psychic (ha "my" psychic, like we have regular appointments set up. But, no, we don't), and put pen to paper (well, that's like the olden days) and start writing something that isn't work-related. Maybe.
* * *
I am listening to Peter Doherty. I really like it, and it's a sound I brought back with me after my trip (I seem to be very influenced by boys & their taste in music, maybe because it reminds me of that kind of feeling that slips away so quickly). Anyways, the point of bringing up this soundtrack was to say that it will not help me complete the required task at hand (reorganize apartment / make it presentable). Instead it makes me want to sit on the couch and stare at the rain and romanticize the day and hope for mini miracles.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
hello, again
And this moment, I'm listening to "Have you seen in your dreams" by Miracle Fortress. It's a very pretty & upbeat song (which makes me almost forget about the darkness that was last night's viewing of The Reader -- but it did have a fantastic score by Nico Muhly).
Anyways, it has been forever and a day since I've posted on here, and so many things have happened. I've been to Paris, France. (How would you feel if you lived in Paris, Ontario? Do you think they eat Camembert, pain au chocolat and parle en francais aussi?). I would if I lived there (should this part still be in parentheses? I am tired of them).
Work is going well. I am still feeling somewhat relaxed from my vacation. But I am staying up past my bedtime again. This one not what I had planned.
My post-vacation list of ways to make every day feel like vacation included making time for sleep.
Hmm. It's never too late until you run out of the hours required to clock in eight hours of sleep.
Oops (such a familiar little word).
Happy Wednesday night. This moment is sweet.
Which means my life is sweet, too.
Monday, March 16, 2009
nine weeks
Did you know that psychics can give you homework assignments? Probably not, since I think they only give them to me.
So he just went ahead and dished one out, expecting me to complete it. Well, he did say I'd be OK if I skipped the assignment, but if I just did it, I wouldn't have all those ol' ghosts randomly creeping up in my life.
So maybe it's worth it? Maybe this girl will put some pen to paper, and pour her little heart out.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
hey na na na na na na
drinks only gin says it's how to keep thin
and she's crying after every meal
no, you don't know how you're making me feel.
tell her that i just can't go on
tell her that there's just something wrong...
this week's soundtrack: http://www.myspace.com/coconutrecords
Sunday, February 15, 2009
a great friend
at this point in my life, i rarely have the feeling of absolutely needing someone. but it's been confirmed that if and when i do, someone will be there. nothing could make me feel so lucky, thankful or relieved.
didn't anybody tell you, didn't anybody tell you this river's full of lost sharks?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
knotty by nature
I am reading The Element by Ken Robinson, and it inspires us to find exactly what it is we're best at, and to enjoy doing exactly that. I think I'm currently doing some of the things I do best, but I'm probably not really working it as well as I could. Like, today I pretty much passed an idea along to someone else, which should have been an idea I carried and presented, and now its origins will probably get lost in the shuffle.
I shouldn't do that. Mis-take.
But I am learning that I'm most inspired when sitting down in meetings with other, more experienced people who are bouncing around big ideas (of course, right?). It's just really great when I feel the need to scribble down ideas before they themselves get lost in the shuffle that is the day-to-day duties that, if you're not careful, can be rather suffocating.
So I just need to find ways to make myself heard and noticed even more (and maybe I should practise by smiling back at the cute boy who grins at me... and then walks on by).
Sunday, January 25, 2009
"gonna make it through this year"
As for me, yes yes, I will make it through this year. But I wonder if I'll shake the feelings I've been feeling as of late. Some of them worry me, a little.
Like when I watched Revolutionary Road and started to fantasize (again) about picking up and moving somewhere... "It doesn't have to be Paris... it could be anywhere, really."
And that having a backbone really means being able to choose the life you want to lead... which probably means I shouldn't envy the old university friend who finds me on Facebook, who I can see is living in Italy, working as a nanny and an English teacher. But my mind just envies it envies it envies it.
Who has dreams like this during Times Like These?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
baby, you can drive my car

I just did a spellcheck and did you know 'femmy' is not an acceptable word? 0 : )
* the image is of Sidecar, on College Street, prix fixe = $22
Sunday, January 18, 2009
A Clean Sweep
Its insides contain one carton of expired milk, two takeout boxes of not-so-good food and three containers of old yogurt. (But not for long. I promise.)
I wonder if it's wrong to choose Garbage Day as one of my favourite days. (I also enjoy Recycling Day and Green Bin Day, for the record.) There's something so relaxing, refreshing and rejuvenating about purging the mess I've made, and given the chance to start from scratch yet again.
Maybe Gore, Suzuki and Mother Nature would disapprove.
Maybe we won't let them know about this. 0 : )
Monday, January 12, 2009
swing your heartache
long, leisurely, a little bit of everything.
plans of artartart replaced by doubtdoubtdoubt (ok story, great acting).
dinner with old! boy! friends! replaced by dinner with favourite! boy! friend!
did not find frames but did find the materials (!) to make my own pretty curtains.
wish I could stay home tomorrow, if only to listen to the 19 CDs I picked up at the library (from Neil Young to Young Galaxy!).
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Questions pour vous
2. Why do you need to buy everything? I signed up for a library card yesterday (to which they said, "Welcome to the team!"). Hours of entertainment (in book & CD form), and not a penny spent.
3. Are people less attractive when they like you too much? I feel uncomfortable when I get that look, but it's also so nice to have someone point out all my best. It's been awhile.
xo. time to clean and prepare for TK people.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
friday -- artartart + drinksdrinksdrinks
satur/day -- library = free books! paying $$ for reading is not in 2k9's R-hindered budget
satur/day -- anchoring = finding frames/curtains/pictures to style this place totes comfy
satur/food -- maybe! with! old! boy! friends!
satur/night -- legend(youknowwhatgoeshere)ary host NPH on SNL!
the rest is a secret! or maybe i don't know yet! or maybe it's time for sleep.
xo. lori
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I used to be free-spirited...
This Business of Art was one of my most-played albums through high school. My friend Liz was pen pals (!!!) with one of Tegan and Sara's friends, and she introduced me to the melodies.
And then last night I watched the first episode of Being Erica, and I heard "Where Does the Good Go?" Where do you go with your broken heart in tow? What do you with the left-over you?
And then today blip.fm reintroduced me to "Frozen," "Proud" and "More For Me." I wish I could hear the disc as a whole, but finding my old CD is a task too difficult for this not-so organized girl.
Pretty? Possibly? Maybe? I want to draw you a floorplan of my head and heart (from The Con, 2007)
xox. g'night.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
push it (real good)
I am feeling creatively challenged and am looking for ways to get out of this ill-timed rut. Maybe my (sometimes) clever copy is still on holiday? Maybe two weeks away is two weeks too many? Maybe yoga will help? Tea? Wine? Dancing? Crafting? Cleaning? Cooking? This book?
I am trying. Even though I put on my Pilates gear and didn't make it out the door. (Poseur?) And while I gathered ingredients for tonight's dinner, they still sit on the counter, bored and ignored.
Maybe I just need to shut up and work harder.
Monday, January 5, 2009
all about me?
or maybe I just need to find someone who I like just right?
is it odd to capitalize "I" every time, but to leave my first words un-cap'd?
silly distractions.
silly girl.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
drink it up
08 08 08 08
the year that deep, old scar finally, finally healed
the year I shook an increasingly dull & disheartening position
the year I branched out and developed some truly wonderful friendships
0yes 0yes 0yes
good for me. <3