I've been neither apathetic nor bored this month, but that was a major theme in The Trotsky, a spectacular film by Jacob Tierney. You must see it when it comes out in May. I went as part of TIFF's Top 10 Canadian Films of 2009, and since I've been away from the blog for a bit, I'll document the Top 10 things of 2010 (so far).
In no particular order...
1. The above film. Yay! Also, love listening to director q&a's after a film. It reminds me of how much work & heart went into a project, and it makes me so proud of and happy for complete strangers. Is that weird?
2. The musical The Sound of Music. I still haven't watched the movie (one day, maybe), but I wanted to see it on stage before it said so long to Toronto. It was so very cute.
3. The 3-day green smoothie cleanse. The first major personal challenge of the year. I am proud of and happy for myself. Little steps like these remind me that I am capable of so much more than I sometimes think.
4. My work. The first week back I was rather bored (not apathetic). The second week my boss was back and I was inspired. I was also pulled aside and given a special gift for my work as of late, which was completely unexpected yet entirely appreciated.
5. My friends. I've been able to spend some quality one-on-one time with many of my favourite people, some of whom I was less connected to in 2009. It's funny how friendships have their own ebb and flow and peaks and valleys.
6. My alone time. I really enjoy nights when it's just me, a warm bath and a great book.
7. The 1st annual Golden Balls. I think I blushed just typing that, but it's taking place on Sunday and it's a theme party for the Golden Globes (all food must be in a spherical shape). What's more fun than a theme party?
8. My time in the kitchen. When asked what my NY resolution was, the first thing that came to mind was "I want to be like a '50s housewife, but for me. I want to be better at cooking and cleaning and maybe even sewing (though that's a stretch)." I've spent lots of time in the kitchen developing my culinary skills.
9. Yoga. I think that it kind of changed my perspective on life. Since I started regular classes in the spring of 2009, I've changed a lot of other things about myself. I think that I've grown a lot, but also somehow returned to being that bright-eyed girl before all the bad stuff went down.
10. This post. I miss taking time to just write about the things I'm thinking about, whether or not they change the world. Maybe they'll change the way you think about some things, and that can't be bad, right?