I have strawberries on my face.
On purpose.
I picked up French Women For All Seasons, and it has compelled me to live a little bit better. One way involves mixing mashed strawberries with honey and Vaseline, and leaving it on my face for 15 minutes. It feels quite nice, actually.
The book also helped me snack less than I normally would have tonight, because I took the time to think about whether or not half of my portion was sufficient. (It was.)
Did I tell you the endorphins are back? Well, for today. I went for a jog and even though a bird dropped its droppings on my thigh, I'm going to take it as a good sign. (Agreed?)
On purpose.
I picked up French Women For All Seasons, and it has compelled me to live a little bit better. One way involves mixing mashed strawberries with honey and Vaseline, and leaving it on my face for 15 minutes. It feels quite nice, actually.
The book also helped me snack less than I normally would have tonight, because I took the time to think about whether or not half of my portion was sufficient. (It was.)
Did I tell you the endorphins are back? Well, for today. I went for a jog and even though a bird dropped its droppings on my thigh, I'm going to take it as a good sign. (Agreed?)